Appointment of Director of Performance to ANI Board

The Chairman and Directors of Archery NI are pleased to announce that a Director of Performance has been co-opted to the Archery NI Board.

Mrs. Jennifer McCormick has been involved in Archery for 16 years starting off with a local Scout Group and joined City of Belfast Archers.

In 2013 Jennifer became a Coach and has had experience working with Senior AGB Coaches such as Barry Molsom, Maggie Squires, Lloyd Brown and Damien Lennon firstly in the Ninjas and then the AGB Performance Pathway and National Talent Development Programme.

Jennifer’s passion for Archery in general and Performance in particular she believes gives her a good grounding to deliver as Performance Director for all our Members.

Chairman Andy Tait along with the other Directors agree that Jennifer’s knowledge, experience and enthusiasm will be a great asset to the Board and our Members and wish her every success.
