Important Documents

Codes of Conduct

All members are reminded that all Archery NI and Archery GB members sign up to follow the Archery GB Codes of Conduct -

Also Rules of Shooting and SAPs -


All athletes have the right to compete in sport knowing that they, and their competitors, are clean. We believe in clean sport and work in partnership with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD), Archery GB and World Archery, to ensure that the integrity of our sport is protected.

See the Anti-Doping page for more details.

Safeguarding & Child Protection

Archery NI currently follows and adopts the AGB Safeguarding information which can be found HERE!

The AGB Safeguarding person is Anne Rook

The ANI Safeguarding person is Michael Ferguson

For any safeguarding concerns or enquiries, your first point of contact is your club’s Child Protection Officer, thereafter the ANI and AGB Safeguarding officers.

Articles of Association

Membership Renewals

Both Archery GB and Archery NI membership renewals are due from 1st October each year. The Archery NI fees are included in the AGB Sport:80 online payment system, so clubs and direct members should pay the regional membership fees using Sport:80.

For any manual payments, you may also send a cheque for the ANI fees, but please make the cheque payable to Archery NI, not Archery GB. For direct bank transfer of ANI fees use the contact page and we will send you our bank details.

Please be aware of the following:-

  • Email with details when payment is sent.

  • Double check category of membership, especially anyone currently on a pro-rata membership.

  • Members moving to your club from another club – to avoid creating a duplicate record, contact AGB Membership Services with the member’s details to get them transferred to your club.

  • Direct Members – clubs should not accept AGB Direct members for payment of ANI fees. Direct members should pay ANI fees themselves, as above!

  • Student Members studying outside of N.I. but wishing to remain an ANI member, should join their Uni club and pay their regional fee directly to ANI , as above.

Board Meetings 2023



19th September 2023 at 19.00

      Location: Choice Housing



Michael Ferguson


Coaching Director


Kim Pegrum


Membership Director


Stephen McCormick




Jennifer McCormick


Performance Director

Temporary Chair

Bob Beggs


Independent Director



Action items assigned to Board members shown as bold initials, e.g. (SMC).

Confidential items shown in red are not for publication on the website.


1.      Apologies – Apology from (HC) unable to attend due to illness.

(BB) acted as Chair for the meeting.

2.      Minutes from 18th July 2023 – Agreed

3.      Actions from last meeting

Task lists from previous meetings were reviewed where possible. Incomplete tasks carried forward.


4.      Correspondence


Chairperson Vacancy

(KP) discussed the email received from Sport NI on ANI not having a Chairperson in place due to the resignation of Andy Tait. (KP) advised them that (BB) was standing in as Chairperson on a temporary basis until the position of Chairperson is filled.

(KP) said that Sport NI recommended that we ask the NI Sports Forum to advertise vacancy for Chairperson. (JMC) advised that Indeed also advertise voluntary jobs and this could be also an avenue to pursue. (BB) said that we need to go down the route of the NI Sport Forum and see if we get a Chairperson through them and that would show Sport NI that we have been actively seeking someone for the role.

(KP) said the Sports Form holds a database of people who are interested in taking up voluntary roles in sport. (BB) said he would contact the NI Sport Forum and pursue this.


(SMC) received an email from Paul Doherty from Ulster University asking about a start up grant for new clubs as they are starting a new club at the Magee Campus in Londonderry. (SMC) said that he had met Paul yesterday (Monday 18th September) at Magee along with Damien Lennon to discuss their needs and check their facilities. David Rodgers is running the classes for them and had 4 people interested in archery and took part as it was freshers week.


   5.   Safeguarding


              (BB) advised the board that he has now received his Access NI certificate.

(MF) said that hes had enquiries from Lough Cuan regarding Access NI and has had 2 replies.
(MF) advised the next Safeguarding Course is being run by Sport NI via Zoom on 28th September and they will send out the relevant information to the participants.

(MF) said that he had advised Anne Rook that he was stepping back as Safeguarding Officer and that (BB) would be taking this role. A meeting with AGB and Paul Stevenson from NSPCC would be taking place on 6th October. (BB) said he saw a video about Keeping your child safe in sport and asked could this be put up on ANI website, (MF) to investigate.


6.      Financial Report


(KP) Actuals to Budget summary 31/08/2023

Budget draft 2023/2024 no other feedback received.

Bank Balance at 31st August £25,270.25

(KP) all archers have been paid for the AGB Youth Festival.

(MF) asked about payment for the ABO and BTC and it was agreed that the entry fee for the ABO would be paid to all NI archers who attended and the BTC entry fee be paid to the 5 team members.

(KP) said that ANI were still receiving payments for the NTDP (JMC) advised that the ANI Sport80 account have been linked to (DL) Sport80 account for the NTDP and Academy and AGB are trying to rectify it. (SMC) said hold on the money until AGB ask for it so that we know exactly who to pay it to.

                            (KP) gave a report on the SSI-GB Phase 2 2024-2028 meeting.

A lengthy discussion was held about funding applications and in particular the application from Ballyvally and (JMC) said that she had spoken to Mike Leckey Funding Project Manager about the points raised but Mike said he wanted the board to contact Ballyvally. (KP) excused himself and left the meeting. After further discussion (BB) advised that we write down the questions that need to be asked of the club and send them to Mike Leckey for him to raise them with Ballyvally.

(KP) asked for approval to pay fees of £114 to NI Sorts Forum and Sports Forum Access NI fees of £30. Approved by the board.


7.      Membership Report


Membership = 517 ( +4 )

Direct = 34 ( +1 )

Clubs = 11 (n/c)

Uni = 2 (n/c) Schools = 5 (n/c)

Non Member = 10 (n/c)


8.      Calendar


(SMC) discussed the Calendar meeting held in August with Kim explaining to those attending the SSI-GB Funding and asking clubs to apply for this funding.

(SMC) said members from 5 Clubs attended the Calendar Meeting and Clubs had sent their Tournament Dates in prior to the meeting but only received dates from Lough Cuan at the Meeting.(SMC) updated the calendar with these dates so that they could be shown on the screen whilst (KP) was explaining the SSI-GB funding.

(SMC) said he had received confirmation that Lough Cuan will host the All Ireland Field Championships in 2024 date to be confirmed with Lough Cuan.

(SMC) has received confirmation that Ballyvally will hold the 3D Championships in April 2024.

(SMC) said that the dates were added to the live calendar and clubs have been advised of this and will send out notes to the clubs and dates agreed for the calendar later.

(SMC) said that he had been speaking with MCoA and that they would not be hosting the ANI Indoor Championships in 2024 as they will have hosted it 2 years in a row. (SMC) said that the Indoor Championships was the most difficult competition to run with venue hire as prices have gone through the roof but hoped that Lisburn City Archery Club would host the 2024 event.

(SMC) said obviously with organising shoots this takes a lot of time and effort generally with  very few people to do all the work and this probably puts clubs off from hosting major championships and suggested that if clubs could arrange for a few of their members to help out setting up that might take the burden of clubs who wouldn’t have the numbers to do this.


9.       Development Report


Schools Cup March 2024

I would like to set up a committee to assist with the arrangements for this competition, and hopefully engage some of the teachers in the schools as well as seasoned archers. 


Training for Senior Archers

We have had queries regarding adults attending the NTDP.  As this is run by AGB strictly for Juniors I have had to say no.  However, along with Jennifer as Director of Performance and Michael as Director of Coaching I think it would be a good idea to organise training sessions for adults.



Development in Schools

The Development of Archery in Schools is progressing with 14 more schools interested in delivering Archery (4 Primary and 10 Secondary). These will be visited to deliver taster sessions.  Hopefully the schools will affiliate to Archery GB and Archery NI and they can be filtered in to local clubs.


AGB Performance Pathway

The NTDP and NI Performance Academy will be recommencing in October – with the Academy meeting on the second weekend of every month and the NTDP on the third Sunday of each month.  The Para Academy will be meeting on in October, November, January and March.



AGB Regional Development Officer – No report



Judges Report – No report




10. Performance Report


Performance Report


Youth Festival 2023


This years Youth Festival was a brilliant success we had 16 Archery NI archers attending and they all performed amazingly with lots of medals both individual and team. A good time was had by all athletes and parents alike and we look forward to a bigger contingent heading next year. Big thanks to Marty McCullough for looking after the compound archers and keeping me on my toes.

 I would like to propose to the Board that we keep the continuity of myself and Marty as team manager and assistant team manager for the foreseeable future. Especially for the National Indoors.


British Target Championships


This event was nearly missed in the calendar of events but Michael, Hazel and I managed to liaise with our Archery NI archers attending to form a team and is was very worthwhile.


Our Recurve Team of Monty Orton, Conor Hall, Emma Davis and Rebekah Tipping came away with the Silver Medal and we also had Jake Walsh representing us in Compound.

Congratulations to Conor Hall on achieving a long awaited dream of becoming British Outdoor Target Champion 2023.


National Tour Finals Nottingham 2023


Archery NI were well represented at the AGB National Tour finals with 3 of the top 8 recurve men contesting the championship Conor Hall, Patrick Huston and Monty Orton.


After some outstanding matches we still had two in the final 4.

Well done Tom Hall on a spectacular performance taking gold and congratulations to Archery NI’s Conor Hall on taking silver and Monty Orton bronze.


I had the pleasure of watching this all live in Nottingham on a very hot and sunny day.



Training for Senior Archers


We have had some requests and queries to set up some training for senior archers wishing to take their archery to the next level outside of club.


I am currently looking into the possibility of this. A suitable venue would need to be sourced and costs and coaching availability looked into before we can start taking names of interested parties.


Selection Policy National Indoors Home Nations Teams


With the National Indoors fast approaching I have been thinking a lot about team selections.


We do have a very good stock of archers who have firstly entered the Seniors and Junior Championships this year which is a good footing to start from.


I am asking for their 3 best scores achieved at NIRS UKRS and WRS shoots from the start of the indoor season 1st October 2022 until 6th November 2023 as this will allow a good amount of shoots to choose our best archers from.



Pathway report – No report




10.  Coaching Report – (MF) said he was working on some things at present and if anyone who had ideas on what they want at the Coaching Conference to let him know.



11.  AOB


Medal Stock (KP) discussed medal stock getting low and brought some samples he had picked up from Ironside Trophies. These were made of glass and wood and were passed around the board members present and were well received by all.



(KP) said the wooden medals could be used for Field and 3D due to these shoots being held in woods.

With the issue of having gold silver and bronze medals it was decided that the ribbons for the new glass and wood medals would gold silver and bronze therefore keeping cost down and not have a surplus of bronze medals etc.

(KP) said he would get the glass medals organised for the ANI Indoor Championships and (JMC) asked whether we needed the wood medals for the upcoming ANI Field Championships (KP) advised that there were enough medals at present to cover it.

The Board approved the spend for the new glass medals.

(SMC) asked about the All Ireland Field Championships medals and (KP) said that we had bought some last year.


Club 3G Award – Competition Results

 (JMC) asked what had been involved in 3G award and (KP) and (MF) described the award and the amount of work and time involved by the clubs to produce the information required and the and the assessors in getting the information collated.

It was agreed that because of the commitment and time required that we do not run the 3G award going forward but try to put something else in its place. (MF) said he would like to thank the 3 clubs for their participation and hard work through the award process and (KP) said it was disappointing that more clubs did not participate even though it was well publicised.

(KP) said that we would announce the results at our AGM and this was agreed.

 (MF) discussed purchasing the Chronotir Timing System for competitions as it has no cables to connect monitors and timing controllers as it uses Bluetooth and the monitors have battery packs.

This could be used by any club needing to use timing systems for record status shoots and is used by Archery Ireland.


It was discussed about having meetings at Lisnagarvey from time to time and (SMC) said that especially in the winter months when the weather can play a big part in travelling anywhere would be to have Teams meetings which was agreed and although the meetings may go on longer than expected we still need to cover the business at all meetings.(MF) said that some of the topics for discussion at meetings eg Funding are really a meeting on their own due to the complexity of them. Those present agreed that all face to face meetings will be held at Choice Housing as it is an excellent venue.



Next Board Meeting – 7th November 2023 at Choice Housing Belfast

Outstanding tasks from prior meetings and from 19/09/ 2023

-         due dates shown in brackets after each task -













Contact NI Sport Forum re Chairperson vacancy






Produce team selection policy.




Email Minutes to the Board Members




Next Board Meeting – Tuesday 7th November 2023



22.29      Board Meeting closed.