Archery NI Annual General Meeting Wednesday 24th November 2021

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th November from 7.30pm and will take place as a combined face-to-face meeting at NICVA, Duncairn Gardens, Belfast BT15 2GB and as a virtual online meeting. Agenda: 1. Apologies for absence 2. For the year ending 30th September 2021, to receive and consider: Minutes from 2020 AGM The Report of the Board Annual accounts 3. For the membership year October 2022 to September 2023, to adopt the Board’s recommended membership fees. 4. To elect Member and/or Independent Directors into vacant positions as follows:- Performance Director Coaching Director (Hazel Campbell’s four year term expires at the AGM and she does not wish to stand for re-election) Independent Director(s) Should any member wish to be considered for, or to nominate someone for appointment to, any of the above positions, the name and details of the person must be notified to the Company Secretary by Monday 1st November, being 7 days prior to the Board meeting for the consideration of AGM business. Special Business 5. Any special business for consideration. Should any member or group of members have any items of business they would like included in the meeting as Special Business the matter must be notified to the Company Secretary by Monday 1st November, being 7 days prior to the Board meeting for the consideration of AGM business. Attendance and Voting: All members of Archery NI are entitled to attend the AGM. Because the number attending in person at NICVA is strictly limited, you are requested to email indicating who (approximate numbers) will be joining the meeting in person. Should insufficient people wish to attend in person the meeting will revert to online only. All Senior Members of Archery NI have a vote. To exercise your vote, you must lodge your vote prior to the meeting. Because the meeting will take place as a virtual online meeting and not a face-to-face meeting, there will be no allocation of voting rights by giving proxy to either the Chairman of the meeting or someone you know who will attend. To register your vote you will need to complete the online voting form which will be available from Monday 15th November and must be completed by midnight on Monday 22nd November. Call in details for the meeting will be published on Monday 22nd November by email to all ANI clubs and direct members, on the ANI website and on the ANI Facebook page.
