Latest return to archery guidelines - March 2021

The NI Executive announced on the 16th of March that From 1st April 2021 the regulations will change to permit 10 people from two households to undertake outdoor sporting activities as defined in the regulations. This allows sports such as golf and tennis to resume from this date in small groups of individuals from two households, however club houses and sports facilities including changing rooms, showers, kitchens, meeting rooms must remain closed apart from essential toilet facilities. Therefore, limited outdoor archery training can recommence on a restricted basis in line with these restrictions within a private or club setting. All protocols contained within the Archery GB Return to Archery information remain in place. The Executive also agreed an indicative date of 12th April 2021 for allowing sports training to resume by clubs affiliated with recognised Governing Bodies, in groups of up to 15 people, but with all indoor spaces closed except for essential toilet facilities. These relaxations planned for April 12th will be subject to Executive ratification in the week after the Easter weekend. Archery NI awaits the publication of the regulations and will advise clubs of the impact on the return to archery under these regulations as soon as we are in a position to do so. STAY SAFE
